Ecological handling of renewable resources for the production of biobased and biodegradable composites by means of thermoplastic process technology
The world is changing constant and rapidly e.g. due to extreme resource extraction such as fracking. This is leading to political unrest, wars and environmental problems as climatic change. The industry and politicians must prioritize sustainable alternatives, especially for single-use plastics. The Biopolymer Lignin, a by-product of the pulp industry, has a global annual production of about 50 million tons and has the properties to be an economical and ecological alternative. This study focuses on the research and establishment of biologically based and biodegradable natural fibre-reinforced composites based on the Biopolymer Lignin to replace petroleum-based plastics in appropriate sectors.

Mixture of Sodium lignin sulfonate, water and natural fibres combined with additives, research on flexibility and hardness, Danny Ott, 2023