Materiability Lab

Building and establishing new labs and technological infrastructure at the Dessau Department of Design, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences

We are in the midst of a global challenge, commonly referred to as the climate crisis. Architects and designers have a special role to play in developing innovative solutions and alternative materials for an environmentally sustainable future. Biomaterials, for example, offer a wide range of potential applications as a replacement for conventional products. Parametric design methods in conjunction with digital fabrication technologies enable the further optimization of components and materials. Novel composites and textiles lead to products with increased performance, while smart materials allow the creation of dynamically changeable systems. In order to raise awareness of such innovations and develop an understanding of the role of future designers, it is important to actively investigate and help shape these materials and technologies; the principle behind the idea of materiability.


Virginia Binsch

Prof. Dr. Manuel Kretzer

Image: Biolab for experimenting and researching biomaterials and biological compounds. 

The aim of this incubator is therefore both the explorative communication of new material knowledge as a communication basis for further applied research and the creation of a place for the innovation-driven development of new materials, applications and products. The experimental laboratory promotes the testing and implementation of design and start-up ideas, interlinks a network of partners and resources within Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in its research fields and events across disciplines and initiates new impulses and synergies.

Image: Fab and Maker Space with laser cutting machines and 3D-printers.

Prof. Dr. Manuel Kretzer
Virginia Binsch

01.06.20 – 31.12.22


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