Printing with Biofoams

Transient futures exploration

In an attempt to expand the diversity, inclusivity and flexibility of urban settlements without leaving a permanent mark on the environment, Printing with Biofoams: Transient futures explorationinvestigates novel regenerative materialities that have the ability to respond and adapt to changing external as well as internal conditions. Smart materials are dynamic, responsive and adaptable in their nature. This folio considers the importance of understanding the full potential of these novel materials and applying them in ways that expand our experiences and connection with the built environment, rather than trying to confine them to the restricted material applications and performances of the standardized construction industry.

Claudia Palcova

Prof. Dr. Manuel Kretzer

Claudia Palcova is a London-based designer and material researcher who works across experimental design and temporary spatial interventions. Her process-led work focuses on the application of novel regenerative materialities in tactile interactions to reimagine the way we perceive, understand and connect with the world around us. With a shared interest in innovative materialities, regenerative design solutions and transdisciplinary design practices, Claudia Palcova joined the Materiability Research Group at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences as a researcher in residency in March 2022. Curious about the future relationships between the biotic and abiotic ecosystem components and the potential role of new materialities, processes and technologies in combating the current environmental crisis, Printing with Biofoams: Transient futures exploration permeates across material research, development and speculative design.

Claudia Palcova

23.03.22 – 18.06.22

Prof. Dr. Manuel Kretzer

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