Vanessa Song

Beginning March 2024, Vanessa Song is a resident researcher at the Materiability Research Group. Her work centers on developing regenerative biomaterials aimed at advocating a circular approach to textile production and consumption. Utilizing the fully bio-based kombucha threads she developed during her master’s thesis, Vanessa’s research now delves into the integration of kombucha thread to create a hybrid textile fabric. This involves assessing the collective influence of weaving techniques and material combinations on textural behavior.

Master’s Thesis
Biopolyester, a master’s thesis project by Vanessa Song, is focused on creating regenerative biomaterials to replace fossil fuel-based polyester, advocating the transition towards a circular production and consumption. Vanessa developed a fully bio-based thread using kombucha and wheat starch glucose, which was then woven into a garment. The aim is to diversify sourcing by incorporating underutilized materials, thus transitioning the fashion economy from a take-make-dispose model to a reuse-remake-revive model.

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