Louis Möckel


Louis Möckel is a designer with an interest in material cultures and their artefacts. He applies design thinking to explore the historical, ecological, and geopolitical contexts of objects, aiming to create thoughtful design solutions. During his Master’s studies in the department of Geo-Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven, he explored the acoustic impacts of industrial goods in supply chains, focusing on the ecological effects of industrial noise. This research, which uncovered interspecies interactions, is being prepared for publication with insights from scholars like Tim Ingold and Salomé Voegelin.

His curiosity about interspecies coexistence began during his Bachelor’s studies at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, where he worked on a water filtration system using living sphagnum moss. This project reflected his interest in integrating natural systems into design.

In 2020, he had the opportunity to intern at the design studio Makkink & Bey in Rotterdam, where he contributed to the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. He later collaborated with E-Werk Luckenwalde to help convert an old charcoal powerplant into a renewable energy provider using local resources. Since January 2025, he has been involved with the Materiability Research Group, contributing to the “Myzel Bike Box” project. His work focuses on exploring sustainable design and the innovative use of materials involving living matter.

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