Karsten Schuhl


Karsten Schuhl is a PhD student and member of the Materiability Research Group at the Dessau Department of Design at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. His research is focused on active material-based acoustic and sound management systems. With a master of science in Media Arts and Sciences from the MIT Media Lab and a master of art in Product Design from Weissensee Academy of Art and Design Berlin he combines a broad skillset of prototyping technologies, a keen understanding of sound and perceptional principles, and a knack for experimentation ranging from hacking machines, pushing fabrication technologies and crafting experiences.

Karsten works to find the connective thread in the explorative processes of artistic and design-based research whilst strongly emphasising the creation of real-world experiences and physical artefacts. Utilising parametric design, rapid-prototyping technologies, and microcontroller-based sensor-actuator networks he conducts his transdisciplinary research to question and rethink how design and architecture can be experienced in the future.

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