Danny Ott

Danny Ott joined the Materiability Research Group, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences as PhD student in February 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Manuel Kretzer (HSA) and Dr. rer. nat. Steven Eschig (Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research, Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institute WKI). His research is on bio-based and biodegradable materials based on the biopolymer lignin and its industrial processing using injection molding and form pressing. He graduated from the Dessau Department of Design, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences with a master‘s degree in Intermedia Design (MA) in 2020. The topic of his master‘s thesis, Lignin – approaches to the ecological use of sustainable resources, lay the foundation for further research within the PhD.

During his Bachelor thesis, he designed a potpourri of design classics from milestones in the history of seating furniture combined in one chair (tubular steel furniture, molded wood, 3D printing, leather processing). He earned his Bachelor degree (BA) in Integrated Design at the Anhalt University in 2017. During his studies, as well as privately, he dedicates himself to a variety of projects with a socially critical background. In particular, the topics of nature conservation and sustainability are always at the focus of his work. During his academic career, he increasingly specialized in product design and acquired various skills in the use of production (wood and metal processing, 3D printing) and creative technologies (Cinema 4D, Rhino and Grasshopper).